So Now Let Me Share

Ask a New Yorker for directions and they will stop whatever they are doing to give them to you. If on a train, multiple people will sometimes chime in to make sure that you get the best route. I want to take this opportunity to apologize to the French family of tourists that I accidentally sent to the Bronx. I felt awful but I hope it turned out for the best and gave them a more rounded visit to our fair city.

The sharing of information happens in the store all the time. Besides customers asking for or sharing recommendations for restaurants, food, make-up, books, and movies, etc I LOVE when these conversations occur and other customers who happen to be in the store at the time, join in. We end up discussing films, food, and all the rest, and each of us is left with new things to try. But what strikes me at these times is that a stranger is recommending something to a stranger and in a way that is such a selfless act. They are not going to be around to be thanked afterward. They are sharing the information just for the pleasure of giving this person a future great experience. So now let me share some of my recommendations but in my case, I  would love to hear back from you :)

As a blossoming Quarantine cook, the following recipes are some of my favorites and make me come off as a great mum and host. Scones on a Sunday morning, this recipe makes me the star of Taco Tuesday and this easy Fusion meal or a Greek Spinach Pie for a Sunday dinner 

I once counted how many products I use in the morning to get ready (and including washing my hair) it added up to 22. Now it’s taken me years to find some of my favorites but let me share just a few. For curly hair Bumble and Bumble Style Conscious Mousse (I would buy it from a store),  Nars Eyeshadow Base that actually allows your eyeshadow to stay on all day,  YSL Concealer Pen for the under eye shadows that are rather more pronounced nowadays, and Jergens Natural Self Tanner which is I’m sure far from natural but prevents me from looking like a white beached whale on the first day of vacation.

If you have visited the store more than once you will notice two things, that  Aretha Franklin's Amazing Grace album is playing on repeat (what can I tell you I’m a Jewish girl that loves Gospel) and that I’m wearing No.6 Old School clogs. After a few wears they become super comfortable and suit most outfits. And most importantly have a little bit of a heel.

Did you think that I would do a post without mentioning my ‘current’ favorite OUTLETTE items? I would not be surprised to hear that one of these pieces was instrumental in bringing us one of the vaccines that have been recently developed. Hear me out. Badass scientist wears her new necklace from  OUTLETTE in the morning which makes her feel especially good. She arrives at the Lab and due to the shift in her energy and outlook, she makes the discovery. Voila! Or alternatively, enjoy feeling especially good and the shift of energy with anything from the Karen Tinney collection of vases and bowls. These pieces will immediately change the look of your home. My first piece was  Vase # 607 and I love looking at it every day. This handmade  Marie Laure Chamorel necklace with a Polki diamond from her most recent collection which I have worn every single day and these Annika Inez glass link earrings which are finally back in stock. I have worn these earrings for more than any other that I own and they suit everything. Stay tuned for our Holiday gift guide coming soon. 

My favorite store is ABC carpet and home. And I love this New York Times Style Magazine article  recently written about them. It is a magical place for me. Especially wondrous is the fact that thirty years on, I can still only afford their candles :)

And finally...we have all had tough several months (a slight understatement, ask my therapist) so I want to ask you to go out one morning, put on your earbuds and listen to this song and believe.

Hugs to you all. And now come in and share with me.





Quirks and Confessions of a 55-year-old woman


Greater Than Before