Featured Designers

Explore the curated selection of jewelry, home goods an accessories that we are crushing on for this winter.

Winter Edit 2024


Explore our selection of mohair blankets in various styles hand-spun in Ireland since 1778.

Refresh your earring stack with our selection of demi fine jewelry from Metier by Tomfoolery.



Inspired by nature, crafted by hand. Timeless and intimate fine jewelry.

Latest Designers

Elevate your home decor with The Third Room’s exquisite collection of airy, sculptural vases! Bring nature indoors and infuse your space with a sense of serenity and beauty.

The Third Room

Karen Gayle Tinney

Featuring a large gestural knot, Tinney’s motif, her vases takes inspiration from the braided details of her one of a kind sculptures.

Made with artisan techniques, using ancient loom and other manual workmanships with a modern design in mind.

Maria La Rosa

Dragon Diffusion

Inspired by nature, crafted by hand. Timeless and intimate fine jewelry.

Louise Hendricks classic and summer styles are back in stock. Just in time for the summer.

Addison Ross

Add a pop of colour to your home with these contemporary accents to your home.

Louise Hendricks

Meloria candles represent the perfect fusion between chemistry, history and craftsmanship.

Danica Candles

hand-poured dripless tapered candles in today’s color palettes. In-store only.

Meloria Candles


Ruth’s Journal

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