Just want to have a word…

A few days ago I went into a neighborhood boutique and came across a great black sweatshirt with the word Freedom written on it in white letters. After trying it on I walked over to the cash register to purchase it and just as I was handing over my overtaxed credit card, I paused. I had a misgiving and I realized that now, today, the word Freedom has a slightly negative connotation after the past four years and especially after the insurrection on the Capital by the Trump-supporting domestic terrorists in a distorted and deranged cry for freedom. I put the sweatshirt back.

It made me think of other words that have been taken away from us over the years. I remember it starting with the word liberal. And how it suddenly went from describing a person who has a social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise to becoming a word that was weaponized by the Right with unfounded and false, negative connotations. There have been more instances recently. I involuntarily cringe when I see the Flag after it has been adopted by the  Trump supporters in rallies to represent everything the Flag doesn’t stand for. And don’t even mention a red baseball cap and even red, once a favorite color. 

Now that we have all sighed a huge breath of relief and our new President Biden and Vice-president Harris are in office  I hope and believe this will be a time of healing, repairing and rebuilding of our democracy in this country. And hopefully to change so many of the systemic injustices that have always been there but have been brought to the forefront. And most of all I want to take our words back.

And now on a lighter note, because don’t we all need that balance nowadays here are some words that help me through.

Resourcefulness -  How our wonderful restaurants in New York City are adapting to winter outdoor dining in the most creative ways. Trying to keep us warm and safe. Not an easy task.

Rebirth - Nature has been a sanctuary and a balm during these difficult times. Central Park is in my soul. And there are examples of rebirth all around us. Or just take a few minutes to listen.

Love - My love and appreciation  for my family and friends has never been as strong as it has been in the past year but I must publicly declare my love for this person in particular...my therapist.

Laughter - A balm for our souls.  I can’t stop watching this comedian and you know how much I love her and Randy Rainbow just keeps getting better.

Hero- Let’s take this word back for sure. This is what a patriot looks like. 

Resilience - These times have shown us the power and determination of so many of our leaders.  But let us not forget how pivotal these women were to us winning the election. And this time has given me the opportunity to see the lesser-known heroes of our times that have not only fought for people’s rights but have not been satisfied with just small victories. Watch this. movie

Escape - I have been watching Law and Order SVU every night with the kids. This show or should I say this sound ..dum..dum...daaaam had been on the periphery of my life forever but now it’s one of the highlights. For more escape, since I finished all the romcoms ever made, watch Ted Lasso and for some eye-candy.

Procurement - Okay, shopping. Hulloooo did you think I could leave this out? A few of my late-night purchases. The Hyper-Chiller is the best and inexpensive gift. Especially to the guys in your life who are not ready ‘yet’ to wear one of the fabulous pieces from OUTLETTE's men’s collections and who already have the headphones, flasks, and gloves. These socks do stay in place. They do!! And from the fabulous OUTLETTE the Charlotte Cauwe's Donut rings have become a best seller. I have worn mine every day. In addition to looking amazing on, they have a great weight to them. And we just received a gorgeous selection of crystals from Joseph Brooks for some good juju. 

I find language to be everything. My use of words and expressions can define me and a circumstance. So I hope your day will be full of peace, joy and beauty. 

Stay safe,


On love…


Quirks and Confessions of a 55-year-old woman